Services for schools
Inclusive education, something we all aim for.
But how to support so many different students with even more different learning profiles?
MdB Behavior consultancy can help your school build the expertise and tools to be that school.
Observation of individual student
It can be difficult to find out why a student is acting out, showing school avoidant behaviors or 'slacking off'.
Trough my individual student observation service, I follow the class and the student, offering me insights into the interactions, before-and after of behaviors and potential triggers.
In close cooperation with the parents and team I am introduced to the class as a general observer, to not influence the students behavior too much. Based on my observations I write a report, including advice and suggestions for potential supportive learning adjustments and positive behavior interventions.
Observation of whole class
Similar to an individual student's struggles, while teaching a class it can be challenging to uncover the reasons why class interactions turn negative. When the culture of a class would benefit from positive adjustments, a whole class observation can give insights into where to begin and which expectations to set.
Counselling of individual student
Not all schools have the time and resources to support neuro-diverse students in and around class. As a consultant I offer my services to support social skills, emotional regulation and to see together with the team which positive learning adjustments would be most effective for an individual student.
A joy for learning, that is what we wish for all students. But not all students thrive in their current school setting. They may struggle academically, may show school avoidant behaviors, or 'get into trouble'.
Emotions from concerned parents may run high and as a school you may be bound by limited resources. ​
With my student advocacy service I offer to be the bridge between the family of the student and the school, aiming to find shared insights and come up with reasonable expectations that will help both parties to make positive change.
Professional development of staff
Through workshops and customizable seminars I aim to support staff's professional development. Examples of subjects are:
- positive psychology practices
- implementing learning supportive strategies for neurodiverse students
- Third culture kids and the expat life style
Training for parents
As a place where families come together, I offer my services to the parent associations at school, by giving workshops, presentations and trainings concerning positive parenting, expat life style, transitioning to a new country or new school, and more.
Newly added to my services (April 2023) is the Triple P parent training for teenagers. For further information, see here