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About MdB 

MdB behavior consultancy

At MdB Behavior consultancy I aim to empower and support neurodiverse and neurotypical children, their parents/caregivers and their schools so that they all can become confident in their roles and reach their full potential.


Behavior is my expertise and I find it is always there for a reason. I believe in the statement that 'behavior is communication': it is a way for children to tell us something. In my practise I therefore like to focus first on understanding, before we look at how to make changes. I always try to ask myself and the people I work with 'what is happening and why?', followed by 'what would we like to see instead?, and lastly, 'what support do we need to put in place to get there.'


As a red line in all my services I abide by the principle that you as the parent/caretaker and/or professional are the expert when it comes to your child/student. My role is to merely guide you through the process of discovering 'why is this happening' and 'how to get to positive change'.



What can you expect from MdB?

   - I aim to make my services low  threshold, big impact:

I strongly believe that it is never too early nor too late to get support and I make sure to adjust the intensity of the support to your need as a family / school team. I also always aim to work towards longlasting change by offering easy to implement strategies, focussed on empowering the family/ school so that they can become self-relient and apply the strategies to new situations themselves. 


   - Home (school) visits:

I come to you, where your daily life happens, to increase the ease of implementation and match the services to your family / school culture.  

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Who is MdB and what are my qualifications

MdB is me, Marieke de Bree - du Boispean. I am a behavior specialist, currently working mostly in the capacity of a family therapist. I am also the proud mother of two preschoolers (and one in the making), and I am married to my internationally focussed husband who guides our family in our expatriate lifestyle. 

 I truly love my job and am very happy to now own my own practice. I feel this is giving me the best opportunity to share my skills and knowledge with all the neurotypical and neurodiverse families and inclusive schools I meet along my way. 


My qualifications:

I have studied Child Development Studies in the Netherlands at the university of Leiden, leading to my masters degree in Educational Sciences. 

Through my work in different psychiatric institutions, international schools and centers for childhood development in the Netherlands, Paris and Jerusalem I have gained a lot of knowledge and skills in the field of mental health services for both children and adults, a few being:

- Professional crisis management (deescalating challenging situations),

-    Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA),

-    Progress focussed Approach,  

- 100hrs of diagnostic assessments (DSMIV framework),

- and newest on my list is my accreditation as a Triple P group Teen practitioner. 


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