Webinars &
Would you like to have a private workshop or webinar for your parent group, school or business?
Contact me and we make it happen!
MdB is on maternity leave
I will be back in October
with a whole new calendar
June 9th 2023 Autism awareness Workshop
This is a private event for LINK Denmark members
Being neurodiverse, having autism, being on the spectrum. We are hearing these terms more often, but what does it mean exactly?
And what does it feel like to be on the autism spectrum?
During this workshop we will first look into the term 'neurodiversity' and then zoom into the Autism Spectrum. I will explain how your brain works differently when you have autism, and what effects this can have on your daily life. We will explore some of the many ways to support yourself or someone with autism.
When: Friday 09-06-2023 09.30-12.00
Where: On location, Hellerup
Cost: Free for LINK members
January 17th, 2024 Webinar: Third Culture Kids
In this webinar we will talk about the exciting and challenging aspects of raising our children in a multi-cultural, often changing enviroment. These children are known as "third culture kids'.
I will give you many insights and tools on how to support your TCK's and there will be ample time for questions.
When: January 17, 11.30-13.00
Medium: Webex
Costs: 70dkk payable via MobilePay
Sign up will be opened closer to the date.
For more information about this webinar, see the poster
This webinar requires a minumum of 10 participants in order to be held.
October - November 2024 Start Teen Triple P programs
Triple P: the Positive Parenting Program is a reknown program using Positive psychology to support parents becoming the best versions of themselves.
As an accredited trainer I will fasciliate this training to groups of 6-12 parents at multiple international schools in Copenhagen.
More concrete information on dates and locations will be added closer to the start.
For more information about Triple P and Group Teen Triple P, please click here or visit the official website